What is it like?
When you arrive on a Sunday morning, or at any service, you will be greeted with a smile at the front door by one of our greeters. These people will hand you a worship bulletin which will contain all you need to know for the service. As Anglicans, we are what you call a "liturgical church" and as such our worship life is guided by liturgy rooted in an ancient tradition, and enlivened by the Spirit in today's world. This can be a bit overwhelming if unfamiliar, but not to worry! Our worship bulletin contains all of our prayers, readings, responses and songs that you will need to participate with us.

We enjoy music in our service and invite you to sing along with us. The words for all our songs are found in the worship bulletin. If you read music, most of our songs can be found in the books in the pews. There are a few copies of our Common Praise or "Blue book" with music in each pew that you are welcomed to use. Anglicans are a sacramental church, so the Eucharist, or communion is central to our worship service. We welcome you to participate fully in worship, including coming forward to take part during communion with us.

What about my kids?
When we say all are welcome, we mean it! Our Sunday service has space for all of God's children. There is a family space with materials to help our younger parishioners participate in worship. Families are also welcome to sit in the pews and kids can move around the church freely. Please visit the link above to learn more about kids at St.Philip. 

Where do I park?
We have a large gravel parking lot in the front of our church building along Cedar Rd. Many of our regular parishioners will park in the back, behind the church building. So often if you arrive a bit early on a Sunday or for an event, the parking lot may look empty. Don't let this fool you! There is always a lot more going on inside then it may appear from the road!

What do I wear?
There is no specific or expected dress code at St. Philips. However, we do recommend you wear clothes, whatever clothes you are comfortable in. We welcome people of all ages, backgrounds and familiarities with "church", so please come as you are and let us get to know the real you!

How can I get connected?
Each Sunday after worship, we all gather together for a time of fellowship and refreshments in the Church Hall. This is a great opportunity to talk to some of the leadership of our church, ask questions and get to know our community a bit better as we too would like to get to know you.

You can also stay connected via our Facebook page. Often our special services, community and parish events, dinners, fundraisers etc. are advertised via Facebook, as well as events within the greater community of Cedar and within our larger Anglican family.